1006 posts since 2008
Tag: yoga
Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path.
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self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Is yoga part of Hinduism? Why, of course!
The Hindu American Foundation has been courageously pushing forth a campaign called "Take Back Yoga" suggesting "that people become more aware of yoga’s debt to the faith’s ancient traditions." The Hindu American Foundation is not asking modern day yogis to become Hindus or for yoga teachers to teach more Hinduism, it's just asking them to acknowledge that yoga originates from Hinduism. Is yoga p...
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Sep 9, 2010 SpeakingWorkshop on Yamas, Niyamas & the Basic Laws of Transmutation
Yamas, Niyamas & the Basic Laws of Transmutation Join our workshop at the beautiful Yoga off Broadway studio in Eagle, Colorado on Sunday, 12th Sept (10am to 12:30pm). Yamas & Niyamas: The first two steps on the yogic path, the Yamas (restraints) and Niyamas (Observance
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Aug 29, 2010 Spiritual AdventuresImmersed in the Real India
Jonathan from New York joined our 2010 South Indian Odyssey in January as we made our way through the rich cultural states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Here he shares his experience of being on a Vedic Odyssey spiritual adventure.
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Aug 2, 2010 Spiritual AdventuresEnchanting Darjeeling in the Himalayas
Draped like a green velvet over a steep Himalayan mountain ridge Darjeeling is covered with lush forests and endless tea plantations.The small town Darjeeling is densely packed with endless shops and its catacomb of narrow roads provide a maze to explore this hill station. Once y
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Jul 27, 2010 Children & YouthTemple visits in Pittsburgh (Youth Camp)
Two buses were hired and we all barely squeezed in there for our excursions to temple in the Pittsburgh area. Everyone is dressed in beautiful Indian outfits and looking very elegant. One of the temples we visited is the beautiful Hindu-Jain temple Everyone is happy
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Jul 24, 2010 Children & YouthHindu Youth Camp Begins
Off to the Sri Venkateswara (SV) Hindu Youth camp in Slippery Rock in Pennsylvania. The week long camp will host 96 campers from the ages of 8 to 18. I've been invited to be one of two teachers at the camp. A brief stop in Washington DC. A look at the Pentagon from the sky.
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Jul 24, 2010 Children & YouthYoga, meditation and philosophy (Youth Camp)
6:45am yoga and meditation. Our die hard yogis are there with sleepy eyes. For the young ones that have been coming every year to camp they are very familiar with most of the poses and can do them well. Savasana or the corpse pose is the favorite among the kids as you can i
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