1006 posts since 2008
Tag: Youth Camp
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Ahimsa and our life (youth camp)
We've been using the book "Dancing with Siva" as our class text book. It was written by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami and published by his Himalayan Academy located at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii, USA. In today's class I talked about ahimsa (noninjury). It is defined in our text book as "the first and foremost ethical principle of every Hindu. It is gentleness and nonviolence, whether...
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Jul 27, 2010 Children & YouthTemple visits in Pittsburgh (Youth Camp)
Two buses were hired and we all barely squeezed in there for our excursions to temple in the Pittsburgh area. Everyone is dressed in beautiful Indian outfits and looking very elegant. One of the temples we visited is the beautiful Hindu-Jain temple Everyone is happy
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Jul 24, 2010 Children & YouthYoga, meditation and philosophy (Youth Camp)
6:45am yoga and meditation. Our die hard yogis are there with sleepy eyes. For the young ones that have been coming every year to camp they are very familiar with most of the poses and can do them well. Savasana or the corpse pose is the favorite among the kids as you can i
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Aug 7, 2009 Children & YouthDay 7 - Hindu Youth Camp
Fri, 7th Aug 2009 - Our theme for the week of study is "I am a Hindu and I ...". Each camper had to finish that sentence based on what they learnt. The older campers had to write 30 statements of "I am a Hindu and I ..." and the younger ones 15 statements. Click here to see all
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