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The Three Reasons to Focus

The Three Reasons to Focus

In Chapter Two of my book, The Power of Unwavering Focus, I share three impetuses for leading a focused life. This is one of the most critical parts of the book though many people may not grasp why this is so.

To prevent this from happening, I make a concerted effort to point out that unless one makes the case to oneself as to why one should lead a focused life there is absolutely no reason for doing so or there will not be enough of a desire to successfully do so.

The first impetus for leading a focused life is based on something that my guru would often say which is “Life is meant to be lived joyously!” I share in the book, “When you spend time with people you love and you can focus on them when you are with them, the by-product of that is the feeling of happiness. When you spend time doing something you love and can focus on doing that thing, the by-product of that is feeling happiness. Construct a lifestyle, based on your purpose and priorities, whose by-product is happiness.”

The second impetus for leading a focused life is that we all have goals and dreams in life but the challenge has always been to manifest them. Many end up living an unfulfilled life because they are unable to manifest what they want in life. Though there are many factors involved in bringing a vision or goal to reality, the ability to focus is definitely one of them.

The third impetus for leading a focused life is death. This is the greatest impetus for leading a focused life. Around two millennia ago, the South Indian weaver sage Tiruvalluvar eloquently encapsulated the impermanence of all things in this aphorism: “Though it seems a harmless gauge of time, to those that fathom it, a day is a saw steadily cutting down the tree of life.” When a person can fully own the fact that their life is finite and that all life has a clear, definitive end to it, then the need to learn to focus becomes paramount and a priority in one’s life.

For the ability to focus allows you to be in a state of self-reflection long enough to discover your purpose in life and subsequently define your priorities (who and what is important in your life). Your ability to focus allows you to live a purpose-focused life where your days are lived very intentionally. You make wise choices each day based on your life’s purpose: who you spend time with, what you spend your time on, what music you listen to, what books you read, what shows you watch, what foods you eat, and more. You give who and what you are engaged with your undivided attention, but the who and what are intentionally chosen.

The by-product of all of this is that you live a rewarding life. A fulfilled life. A life of rich quality experiences that are aligned with your purpose.

You have one life. You don’t get a second shot at it. Don’t waste it. Learn to focus. Empower yourself with this ability so that you can live the most amazing life you can imagine.

ORDER my book, The Power of Unwavering Focus, at this link.

All that you need to live a focused life is outlined in this book. I’ve put over 25-years of my experiential learnings and practices in it in a simple and structured way for you. All you need to do is commit to wanting to live a focused life, understand the contents of this book and implement them as I have suggested.

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