Treat Everyone the Same
June 11, 2020 • Conversations on the Spiritual Path, Learn

As residents of this planet we have so much to learn about treating everyone the same. In the Hindu faith, one of the dominant fundamental teachings is seeing God in all as its philosophy states that God is in all things. Sadly, racism like God is all-pervasive.
And ignorance, like God, is all-pervasive as well.
When will we as people learn that we must treat everyone equally. Unless we see divinity in all things how then can we say we are all equal. If we do not see divinity in everything then there is always an excuse to favor one over another. Favoritism is divisive.
Discrimination based on the color of one’s skin is the height of ignorance.
I remember a young Indian boy from Malaysia telling my guru once that his grandmother would hug his siblings more because they were much fairer skin and he was of a darker complexion. Imagine growing up and being treated by your own family in such a way. Often we don’t have to leave our home to experience some form of discrimination.
Where do we start in eradicating this? We begin at home. With a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination based on the color of one’s skin. If you see someone in your family that discriminates against others based on skin color then stand up against it. Say something. Don’t be afraid. If you don’t say something then you are a silent participator in this.
If your family or relatives treat you differently because of your skin color then stand up against them.
Discrimination begins at home. It breeds because we allow it to. Snuff it out. Be unapologetic about this.
We must all learn to treat everyone the same regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, race, religion, social status, etc.
When you leave your house today and go out into the world, treat everyone the same. See God in all.
Be kind. Be gentle. Be loving.
If you are wearing a mask, smile with your eyes!

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