What changed my life forever!
July 20, 2022 • News

I’ve been blogging weekly for a long time though in the last few months I’ve only posted a handful of them. The reason for this is that I’ve been completely immersed in the creation of my book, The Power of Unwavering Focus.
I first started working on it around four years ago and I’m proud to say that it will be coming out on September 6th, and It is being published by Portfolio, an imprint of Penguin Random House, and will be translated into 20 languages.
The contents of my book, which my guru shared with me in the years I trained with him, changed my life and continues to do so every single day. In this book, which I have put my heart and soul into creating, I’ve outlined the fundamental training that I received from him on understanding the inner workings of the mind and the ability to focus it to create a rewarding life of purpose and joy. I know the contents of this book will change your life and that of others as it has mine. One need only be consistent in the application of the tools and practices outlined in it to reap its rewards.
If you’ve been impacted by the work that I do, I’d like to ask for your support in helping me with my mission of sharing these time-tested teachings and tools with as many people as you can.
Here’s how you can help me:
- If you plan on buying my book, please pre-order it here (US and international orders). For many reasons, pre-orders are much more impactful than normal sales in getting book sellers to bring more awareness about the book.
- If you can, pre-order a gift copy for a loved one or friend who can benefit from the teachings.
- If you have a company and feel that your team can benefit from this book, or you simply want to gift this book to others, you can pre-order bulk copies at a significant discount here and get free shipping within the US.
- Post on social media about the book and share your learnings. Tag me and #UnwaveringFocus.
To express my gratitude to those of you who pre-order the book,
- I would like you to join an invite-only private virtual event with me. Use your pre-order receipt and fill out this form to get on the invite list.
- Get a discount on any of my online courses. Email us your receipt and we will send you a discount code.
I incessantly remind people that we have one life and if we decide that we want to live an amazing life then we need to take a structured approach in achieving this. The first irrefutable step in doing so is getting a fundamental understanding of the most powerful tool we possess — our mind, and learning to harness and focus it. This book has everything you need in beginning your journey toward leveraging your mind and the power of focus to live the most amazing life you can imagine.
I have watched with great joy a child of seven years apply the teachings I share in this book to rid herself of anxiety. I’ve seen highly successful entrepreneurs and athletes use them to increase their performance and better their lives. I’ve received countless testimonials from people around the world sharing how these teachings have transformed their lives.
This book is a summary of over two and a half decades of my learning and experiences of the mind and focus. Pre-order it, read it, understand and implement its contents, and live a life that you will always be grateful you did.

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