What’s in your suitcase?

December 29, 2021 • Insights on Life

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The year is fast coming to an end. A new year is often a promise of hope. A time when many people make plans, set goals and resolutions, and more than anything wish for things to be better.  

In going forward, a good practice to adopt is to look at what it is that we are carrying with us. 

For example, if you were going on a holiday you would pack a suitcase of items that support your trip. A holiday to the Caribbean islands would perhaps see you pack light clothing, swimwear, flip flops, hat, sunscreen and so forth. You would not pack items that you do not need like winter boots or a hand saw. 

We should adopt the same practice in life as well. As we move from one year to another it is an opportune time to assess what it is we have in our suitcase for our journey into the new year. Do we have things in our suitcase that support where we want to go in the new year? What about the things that weigh us down, are we carrying any of those? This applies to people as well. Who are the people that have supported us this year that we should invest back in the coming year? Are there any people that have been weighing us down? How shall we assess this and what decisions shall we make?

A lot of people plan on creating new things in the new year. Perhaps it is a better way of living. A healthier lifestyle. Improved relationships. Growth in career. Most are unsuccessful for many reasons and one of those reasons is that it is very hard to add something new to your life if there is no room for it. 

If the suitcase you are taking on your holiday is completely full then how will you be able to purchase something new and add to your suitcase. The mind works the same way as well. Personal change requires a degree of sacrifice at some level. To get something new you have to give up something old. For instance, if you want to update the look of your living room, you might start by buying some new furniture. To make room for the new furniture, you have to get rid of the old furniture. 

As you prepare to enter the new year ask yourself what is in your suitcase. Be wisely discriminating with what you plan to keep and what you plan to abandon as you go forward. Ask yourself what old habits, ways of thinking and living, are you willing to give up in order to live a better life? Simplify to what is aligned with your purpose in life. 

For those of you who are serious about improving your life in the coming year, I highly recommend you do my Unwavering Focus course. If you want my recommendation, this would be it. In this course you will gain an understanding of your mind and learn to focus (amongst other things) which will allow you then to become observant of what it is you want in life and focus your life towards living a purpose-focused and rewarding life. Invest in you.

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