A man walking on a path to the temple

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A fisherman's morning in Marari, Kerala

A fisherman's morning in Marari, Kerala

Marari beach, quiet for most of the day is bustling with activity in the early hours of the morning. Fishermen, boats and birds line the shore. Young and old men brave the strong waves to cast their nets and haul in what the ocean may spare for them that day. Fortunate birds wait eagerly for left overs from the fishermen's catch that are strewn across the sands, an effortless breakfast served to these feathered creatures each morning.

Fishing village along the beach at Marari, in Kerala, South India.

Fisherman on Marari Beach, Kerala in South India

Fisherman on Marari Beach, Kerala in South India

Fisherman on Marari Beach, Kerala in South India

Fisherman on Marari Beach, Kerala in South India

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