A man walking on a path to the temple

3 minutes read

Allowing Your Partner to Express Emotions

Earlier tonight we had our monthly skype relationship class with a group in Eagle, Colorado, Organized by Kelly Western of Yoga Off Broadway, every last Friday of the month a small group of dedicated couples gather for a class on relationships with me. Due to me being away in Bahrain recently we rescheduled last months' class to today. Each class I cover two topics. I take the group through the topics and then we discuss them, sharing real situations and experiences. Each topic also comes with a monthly exercise for the couples to go home and practice. Two topics were covered today. One of them was "Allowing Your Partner to Express Emotions". We had a fun class with lots of laughter, serious talk and sacred sharing.

Here's an excerpt of what I shared:

In relationships it is ok to express emotions. But emotions should always be expressed at the right time. Timing is key. For example, a person would not want to express all his or her emotions as soon as their partner walks in the front door at the end of a working day. Allow your partner to come in, perhaps offer them a drink, inquire about their day and then at some point thereafter share that you wish to express some of your emotions. Similarly, the partner returning home from work should not unload all his/her emotions from the working day upon entering the home.

Last month we learned that women predominantly live in the ida current - this is the psychic channel of physical-emotional energy. It is more natural for women to be emotionally expressive than men. It is important for men to know that when women express emotions they are not always looking for a solution. Often they just want to be heard. A compassionate, emphatatic or loving reaction would be a better response in such a situation. It is important for women to know that it is often quite difficult for men to know whether a woman is seeking a solution or simply wishes to be heard. So, a simple remedy would be for a woman to state how she wishes the man to respond and if a woman forgets to do this then the man should interject at the start by saying “I’m sorry but I’m unable to tell how you would like me to respond. Can you please tell me.”

Through this sort of open communication a person learns more about their partner and over time will be better at understanding the unexpressed needs of one another.

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