An Evening of Thought Provoking Conversation and Spiritual Inquiry in Brisbane
October 29, 2013 • Conversations on the Spiritual Path, Learn

The Conversations on the Spiritual Path Brisbane event was met with great success. About fifty people attended, filling the space at the Proactive Accountants Network with curiosity and deep exploration into topics from life to death and all the provocations in between. Sometimes in an open forum setting shyness is all too present and reservations set in as to the questions asked. However, this night started off with a question from a man who wanted to know how to speak to his 12 year old son who did not believe that God exists.
From this vulnerable question sprung forth more powerful questions. One woman asked about her 4 year old grandson. He describes himself as an adult and talks about the things he has done as if he has already lived a very full life. She was curious if he was alluding to a former life.
Another man asked: “When you reincarnate do you come back to the same family circle?” Yet another question of intrigue: “I am a Christian, and I want to believe in reincarnation but my faith does not. Any thoughts on this conflict?”
The night was certainly a success! We will be posting the Audio Talk soon, so please check back to hear the answers to these and other questions. Brisbane is among other cities such as New Orleans, Portland, St. Thomas and more to host such an evening, and we look forward to bring more Conversations on the Spiritual Path to more communities around the globe.

The Holey Wine Barrel
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The Hidden Influence of Subtle Energy
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