Category: Insights on Life
104 Posts

Anger is not a driving force
Last week I shared my thoughts on why we should choose love over anger. Today I wanted to share with you what happens when we choose anger instead. When we allow awareness to repeatedly go to the angry area of the mind we strengthen this area of the mind. Many of you have heard me…
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Choose love over anger. Always.
Emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, and more are quite common these days. It’s ok and natural to experience them but we can choose if we want to live with these emotions or not. Making the choice if we want to remain in these areas of the mind for an extended period of time is…
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Don’t “Just be”
So much of today’s mindfulness and yoga teachings teach about simply being and not striving. “Just be” is the proclamation. And striving is often looked at as a negative thing. When you just be you remain where you are. And essentially don’t make progress. Striving is good. Striving is needed o...
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The Power of Thought
Everything begins in the mental plane first before it manifests in the physical plane. You think to yourself first, “I would like some ice cream,” then you get up and get yourself some ice cream. But it began in your mind with a thought. Each thought has a picture, sound, and color associated wi...
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Too busy or misguided priorities?
Someone once asked me, “What if we don’t have time to spend in reflection in the morning?” My response was, “Everybody has time. The question is what are you willing to make time for?” At the end of the day, it comes down to priorities. What’s important in your life? I’m sure many people have&hel...
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The Transitory Nature of Life
In my previous blog post, I talked about how small changes lead to big changes. I also shared that the burden of responsibility is on you to create the change that you seek in your life. I know that so many people are unfulfilled. How do I know? Well, I get countless messages every day…
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Small changes lead to big changes
There are more than 290,000 confirmed cases and 17,000 deaths in New York alone. Not to mention the deaths around the world. This is a tragedy of epic proportions. This is a good reminder of the fragility of human life. There are many things for us to learn from this shared experience we are al...
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Protecting Mental Health at Home
I was asked this question recently, “How can we protect mental health when we’re directed to stay home?” There are many things we can do to safeguard mental health and strengthen the mind. One thing is to keep your energy moving. It’s incredibly important to channel your energy into positive acti...
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