COVID: The Path Forward

August 18, 2021 • Insights on Life

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The last 18-months have been challenging to say the least. For many, as a result of this pandemic, so much of life has changed – from work, income, lifestyle and more. For some, it has been devastating with the loss of loved ones, side effects of the virus and other severe repercussions. Not much more needs to be said as we’re all experiencing this pandemic and you can empathize with what I am saying. 

What I want to address in this email is how do we deal with the fallout of this pandemic? The loss of hope, the depression, the sense of loss, the exhaustion and frustration, the mental health issues…all the challenging things we are experiencing as a result of this pandemic. 

What is the path forward? I want to share with you two important points that can make a significant difference in your path forward out of this pandemic. 

The first point. When we are going through a difficult or challenging experience it is easier for our energy to get stuck. Our energy gets congested in the emotional turmoil that is taking place in our subconscious and if the experience is intense then our energy can end up remaining in that area of the mind and not move to other areas. The longer this lasts the more this energy gets stagnant, murky, lethargic and starts to spiral consciousness in a downward direction towards feelings of fear, then sadness, depression and more. 

A simple analogy to elucidate this is to look at a river. Have you ever walked alongside a flowing river? The water in the middle of the river is flowing swiftly and feels energetic, dynamic and uplifting. Along the banks of the river you may find rocks and in between some of those rocks you may find pools of water. Some of these pools of water have been sitting there for days or even weeks without having had any water flow through it. These pools of water are stagnant, murky, yucky, gross and not something you want to stick your hand in. When energy gets congested it becomes like this stagnant water. This is the beginning of a downward spiral of consciousness. 

The second point. The key to keeping energy flowing through difficult and challenging times is to have a point of focus for this energy. A purpose. It could be a hobby that is developed, a skill that you choose to learn, a passion, a goal in improvement in physical and/or mental health that you have taken on, etc. That energy has to have a place to go. Unless you have a place for energy to go it won’t go anywhere.

Preceding what I have just shared should be the acknowledgement that a pandemic is an extremely difficult time and it is ok to feel all that you are feeling. The question should always be, “what am I going to do about what I am feeling?” Most will feel there is nothing that they can do. There is always something that you can do but it comes down to how badly you want to work through what you are feeling. Only you can make this decision to live a different way.

Do you have areas in your mind that have stagnant energy? Having read what you have just read, what will you establish as the point of focus for your energy?

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