The Path to the Superconscious

July 28, 2021 • Awareness & the Mind

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The path to the superconscious mind requires you to go through your subconscious. The subconscious is the gatekeeper to the superconscious mind. Few spiritual texts or teachers speak about the importance of understanding the subconscious mind and how it works on the spiritual path. 

In the Sanskrit language, the superconscious is called “Karana chitta” and my guru defines the superconscious as the mind of light, the all-knowing intelligence of the soul. It is also important to note that there are many layers to the superconscious mind. 

The superconscious works through a clarified subconscious. 

If the subconscious is cluttered with too much information that has not been processed and formed into conclusions then the subconscious will be in a confused state and it is harder for the superconscious to shine through.

If the subconscious is emotionally disturbed or has a lot of unresolved emotional experiences then this is also a hindrance for the superconscious as well. 

Most people do not realize that on the journey inward one of the most important things to focus on is the subconscious. The superconscious is what most people want to experience even though they may not have the vocabulary to call it the superconscious. 

On the path to the superconscious you have to go through the subconscious. There is no other way. But dealing with what the subconscious reveals to you on the way to the superconscious is work most people do not wish to do. Not only do they not wish to do so but they do not have the courage to do so.

We all have past negative experiences that trouble us. Past experiences that we may regret, feel remorse for, anger towards, suffer pain from or more. No one is free from this.

But we all have the choice to do something about it. The more we can find the courage and self-compassion to resolve them the more we free ourselves from the burden of them.

This frees up our subconscious mind. It begins the process of decluttering our subconscious and allows us to slowly, should we choose to, pave a path to the superconscious mind to experience more of our innate divinity.

To penetrate deep into the superconscious you need to develop great levels of focus. Often the experience of the outer fringes of the superconscious mind in meditation is enough to startle the meditator and pull his awareness out to external states of mind. The meditator’s ability to hold awareness in unwavering focus allows him to stay in that area of the mind and go deeper.

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