Mental Arguments

July 21, 2021 • Awareness & the Mind

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You’ve probably heard me describe the mind as a vast space with many different areas within it. And awareness as a glowing ball of light that can move within the mind to any of these areas. 

If you haven’t, then I encourage you to listen to my TEDx talk, Unwavering Focus, that explains this in depth. 

The problems we have reside in the subconscious mind. It’s a problem because it is an unresolved emotional experience. For example, you have an argument with someone or someone does something to upset you. The issue is not resolved on the spot and you both go your separate ways. 

Now you have an unresolved emotional experience in your subconscious mind. An experience that has emotion attached to it. Emotion is energy and energy is magnetic. This unresolved experience is charged with a lot of magnetic energy from your recent argument and has the ability to repeatedly pull your awareness to it, causing you to have mental arguments throughout the day. 

Every few minutes your awareness gets drawn away from what you are doing and pulled to this unresolved experience. When awareness is enmeshed in that problem in the subconscious, you will have a full-on dialogue with that person in your head, getting more upset as the dialogue continues. And you, let me emphasize “you”, are the one that is speaking on behalf of both parties in your head that is resulting in a heated argument born of your own doing.

Our ability to control where awareness goes in the mind is a critical skill to learn. If we can do this then we can firstly understand that this problem is located in a certain area of our subconscious mind. Secondly, make the conscious choice to use our willpower to not let our awareness go there (the area of the mind that the problem is residing in). 

Contrary to what most people think when they hear this is that this is not ignoring the problem or pretending it does not exist. This is giving you the choice to choose when you wish to move awareness to that area of the mind and address the issue and resolve it. This is a powerful choice that sadly most people do not have but can have if they choose to. 

This is very different from being repeatedly pulled to the problem throughout the day. This is mentally and emotionally exhausting, and a massive waste of energy and time. 

In order to have the choice of when to choose to deal with our problems we need to learn about awareness and the mind, and develop our willpower and powers of concentration. That is why I always advise anyone that is interested in what I teach to begin their study with me with my Unwavering Focus course. This course teaches you all you need to know to begin the journey of controlling awareness in the mind. 

So many people are mentally crippled each day by mental arguments. Unable to perform daily tasks as awareness repeatedly gets pulled to unresolved emotional experiences in their mind. This is no way to live. The solution is to learn to control awareness in the mind. 

Do you suffer from mental arguments? If yes, will you commit to doing the work needed to not live this way anymore?

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