How long does this high last?
February 2, 2016 • Awareness & the Mind, Learn

Those of you who have been following my blog know that I have just returned from conducting Enstasy, my meditation confluence in Kerala, South India. One of the participants who had returned home to the states recently commented on a post on Facebook asking “how long does this high last?”
Enstasy was structured to take people’s awareness to the superconscious state of mind. What people are experiencing is being in their superconscious state where timing is good, they feel confident, centered, in the moment and at peace with their surroundings. That’s the high that they are feeling.
For most, now that they are back in their everyday lives, it becomes a battle of staying in this state. For most this will soon become a distant memory. An experience that was made possible by their spiritual adventure to India with me. This will become their reality. But the truth is that they, in their surrender to the experience that was carefully crafted for them, were able to themselves guide their awareness to this superconscious state.
To stay in the superconscious state of mind one needs to do daily sadhana (spiritual practices). Establishing a daily routine especially first thing in the morning is critical to set a precedence for the day. Now awareness begins the day in the superconscious state of mind. Then as the odic forces of the world tugs at it during the day, desperately trying to pull it out to the conscious or subconscious states, you will know you are leaving the superconscious state. Then all you need to do is use your willpower and powers of concentration to hold awareness in the superconscious state.

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