A Recap of 2015 – Part 2
January 5, 2016 • News

The second half of the year was filled with talks taking me from my home in New York to across Australia to the Caribbean, Europe and the around the US. There were a few highlights one of which was being invited back to Wired for Wonder in Australia to give their opening keynote. My talk was titled “Unlocking the Secrets of Meditation“. I got to meet some wonderful people doing amazing things in the world on the Wired for Wonder tour in Sydney and Melbourne. If you are keen to read more about this you can do so at this post “Meditating, starting a business, falling in love and other how-tos“.

Wired for Wonder took place for 2 days in Sydney and 1 day in Melbourne. Here I am presenting in Melbourne at the first ever Wired for Wonder event held in this city.
I also gave the opening keynote at TEDx Reno in October and the talk was titled “Unwavering Focus”. In November I was invited to give two talks at Summit At Sea which took place on a cruise ship that sailed the Caribbean for 3 days. Around 2000 entrepreneurs and very driven individuals were on this invite only cruise. My first talk was on meditation and the other one on energy management and discovering life’s purpose. I also had the pleasure of listening to some wonderful speakers.
This was a video from a Summit At Sea that took place a couple of years ago but it gives you a sense of what the event was like.

Giving the opening keynote titled “Unwavering Focus” at Tedx Reno.
I was very inspired and honored this year to see the number of requests that I got from companies inviting me to speak to their teams primarily surrounding the topics of understanding the mind and learning concentration. It was really great to speak to these progressive companies in the US, Germany and Australia. I was also honored to be invited back as a keynote speaker at the Entrepreneurs’ Organization’s Global Leadership Conference (GLC) in San Diego.

in Adelaide with Altitude Advisory – a progressive accounting company that is focused on growing from the inside out.
I also said goodbye to a very dear friend of mine who passed away late in the year. Fortunately for me my travels took me to where she was living a couple of months before she passed away. I was able to spend some time with her and at her request helped her to prepare for her transition. You can read the brief article I wrote about this at the post titled “Preparing for Death – Life’s Inevitable Transition“.
2015 saw me travel to give talks in Munich, Dusseldorf, Hamburg and Berlin in Germany; Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne in Australia; San Jose in Costa Rica; Bahamas; St. Thomas and St. John in the US Virgin Islands; Reno, St. Charles, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Burbank, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, San Diego and Columbus; North India.
I was also honored to be on the Unmistakable Creative‘s 100 Insanely Interesting People You Should Know list. I’ve been truly blessed to meet so many amazing souls on these journeys, to have noted so many lessons and hopefully learn a few if not a lot of them.
The year ended with a trip to Costa Rica to see how the plants and trees we had planted in June had done and to plan for the next phase of the development of Siva Ashram, our spiritual sanctuary in this country. We were overjoyed to see how everything was doing. Most of the plants were growing like weeds which was so great to see. A report on this coming up in a post soon.
And into 2016 we go.

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