A question was asked to me with regards to the blog post on the 26th of August titled "Dealing with Fear and Worry" as to why we can't fear and worry about something in the past. Well, the reason we can't fear and worry about something in the past is because it has already happened. There's nothing you can do about it now.
But what you are in fact actually fearing and worrying about is the repercussions of your past actions which will manifest in the future. So the past can't affect you technically speaking but the repercussions of it that will manifest in the future can affect you. So, therefore, fear and worry are future based.
It is a projection of your awareness into the future. With knowledge from the past, you create a potential future outcome in your mind. Having done this you then bring your awareness back to the present and start worrying about this potential future you've created in your mind.
Unless you have an intuitive insight the future is merely the intellectual mind rearranging knowledge and experiences from the past to create a future.
To live free from fear and worry strive to live in the present. Every time your awareness drifts into the future in an unproductive or unwholesome way gently and lovingly bring it back to the present. The eternity of the moment is the perfect sanctuary of security.