1006 posts since 2008
Tag: awareness
Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path.
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How do you teach children to concentrate?
The best way to teach children how to concentrate is for you to learn concentration and practice it yourself. Concentration is the ability for you to keep your awareness on one thing for an extended period of time. Parents struggle to teach concentration because they are not concentrated themselves. Children learn through examples -- they watch you do something and they do it. If you learn and pra...
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Jan 31, 2017 Conversations on the Spiritual PathCan we choose our next birth?
Most people do not have mastery over their own energy and are perpetually creating through thoughts, words and actions some future that is beyond their control. More mature souls are conscious of what they are thinking, speaking and doing and put themselves on a clear path to cre
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Nov 29, 2016 Insights on LifeThe Way Forward is Inward and Upward
The way forward is inward and upward. Truly. In this confusing time (post election in the US), and it is very confusing for a lot of people, our first step is to take a higher perspective on all of it. If you are functioning in a lower state of mind like fear or anger for exampl
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Apr 30, 2016 Insights on LifeEnergy and Money
If people treated energy the same way they treated money they’d have a lot more of it. Energy is a finite resource just like money. Before you invest your money you ask questions. Before you give your energy to someone or something ask the same questions you would ask should you
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Apr 27, 2016 MeditationThe Journey of Awareness in Meditation
The mystic's goal is to control awareness in his mind. To separate awareness from that which he is aware of so he can consciously move it to any area of the mind that he wants it to go to. As he gains mastery over his awareness and a gains a better understanding of his mind, he
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Mar 29, 2016 Awareness & the MindUnderstanding a Person’s Mind
Understanding people’s nature and being aware of it when dealing with them is vital for a peaceful and positive outcome. Know your mind in order to know their mind. Know your nature in order to know their nature. You must know you first. For there is no difference between you an
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Oct 15, 2014 SpeakingThe Art of Charm: Monk with a Macbook
I recently did an interesting interview with Jordan Harbinger of “The Art of Charm.” I spoke a bit about my journey to becoming a monk, life in the monastery and then we had a great discussion about relationships, energy and the importance of knowing your path in life. I expla
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