The Art of Charm: Monk with a Macbook

October 16, 2014 • Insights on Life, Learn, Speaking

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I recently did an interesting interview with Jordan Harbinger of “The Art of Charm.” I spoke a bit about my journey to becoming a monk, life in the monastery and then we had a great discussion about relationships, energy and the importance of knowing your path in life.

I explained my belief in the “energy hierarchy;” how you need to put your self first in order for the rest of your relationships to be healthy and successful. Even when you have a family, putting the most energy into taking great care of yourself and then your partner, will ensure that you both take better care of your children.

Additionally, we discussed being aware of the people in your life who suck the energy from you or “energy vampires.” Once a year I evaluate my relationships and examine those people who negatively take energy from me. Though it can be very difficult, I explain the best ways to extricate your self from those unhealthy relationships.

We went on to talk about knowing who you are and discovering your path, which is a common topic on Jordan’s podcast. Jordan and AJ Harbinger started “The Art of Charm Podcast” to help men take control and better their lives by providing guidance from a wide range of experts. They believe that no single person has all the answers and that the best way to learn and grow is to absorb knowledge and wisdom from a diverse group of teachers and mentors. From dating coaches to image consultants to best selling authors, they’ve created a wonderful lifestyle program, blog, and podcast to encourage and enable you to live a successful and fulfilling lifestyle.

The Art of Charm Podcast is inspiring, informative and highly entertaining, I definitely recommend checking it out.

If the audio player does not show up above then click on this link to listen to the interview: Jordan Harbinger and Dandapani – The Art of Charm Podcast.

To stream or subscribe to “The Art of Charm Podcast” click here. 

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