Tag: Concentrate

14 Posts

Misconceptions of Mindfulness in the Workplace
Misconceptions of Mindfulness in the Workplace

We should start by defining the word “mindfulness.” I define it as a state of being fully aware of what one is engaged in at any particular moment. So many people are talking about mindfulness but I think very few people can actually define it. And I say this because people often use ...

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Paths in the Mind
Paths in the Mind

Here is something deeper for you to reflect upon. I’ll touch on it, but won’t get too deep into this for now. As awareness repeatedly goes to a particular area of the mind, it creates a groove or a path to that area of the mind. As it repeatedly travels back and forth to this…

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Meditation is a Fine Art
Meditation is a Fine Art

Meditation is a fine art and we need to treat it that way. We need to treat it the same way we would treat learning any art form. If we wanted to learn the piano, we would not take a 12-week course hoping at the end of the 12 weeks that we would be able…

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How do you teach children to concentrate?
How do you teach children to concentrate?

The best way to teach children how to concentrate is for you to learn concentration and practice it yourself. Concentration is the ability for you to keep your awareness on one thing for an extended period of time. Parents struggle to teach concentration because they are not concentrated themselv...

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The Power of Thought
The Power of Thought

Everything begins in the mental plane first before it manifests in the physical plane. You think to yourself first, “I would like some ice cream,” then you get up and get yourself some ice cream. But it began in your mind with a thought. Each thought has a picture, sound and color associated with...

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Preparation for Meditation
Preparation for Meditation

Your preparation for meditation is as important as your meditation practice, if not more so. The better you prepare, the better your meditation will be. Look at it this way, if someone very important was coming to your home for dinner you would prepare for this, would you not? You would clean you...

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