A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: Dandapani

Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path. Join me on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Meditation is a Scart
Jun 13, 2017 Meditation

Meditation is a Scart

Meditation is a Scart. Scart is a word I coined to refer to something that is a science and an art, hence ScArt. Meditation is a combination of science and art. A science, because it requires a systematic goal-orientated approach based on a solid understanding of the process. And an art because you only become good at it by practicing it. Having just an intellectual understanding of meditation wil...

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  • EMOTION Magazine Monthly Feature
    Aug 12, 2014 Featured In

    EMOTION Magazine Monthly Feature

    I have the opportunity to go to Germany each month. Well, maybe not me physically, but my teachings are offered in a a widely read German publication, Emotion Magazine. My articles feature tips and insight into self-development and personal growth. Topics include investing in y

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  • Our Finale Dinner in South India
    Mar 13, 2014 Spiritual Adventures

    Our Finale Dinner in South India

    Here's the final series of photos from our South Indian spiritual adventure, wrapping up our coverage of that amazing journey with 17 wonderful souls. On the last night of our meditation and yoga retreat in South India we had a special farewell dinner on the banks of Lake Vembana

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  • Bathing Elephants in Hill Stations of Periyar, India
    Mar 7, 2014 Spiritual Adventures

    Bathing Elephants in Hill Stations of Periyar, India

    One of our highlights on our recent spiritual adventure in south India was bathing elephants in the hill stations of Periyar. Periyar in the western ghats of Kerala in South India is a refuge of rolling hills, lush green forests, amazing wildlife and countless tea and spice plant

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  • Morning walk in a Village, South India
    Mar 3, 2014 Spiritual Adventures

    Morning walk in a Village, South India

    Day 3 of our spiritual adventure in South India. Quite a few of us took the opportunity to explore the village that our heritage hotel was located in. We were up early and headed off in different directions exploring the rural life. Here are a few photos from our morning walk.

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  • Sustaining Motivation with Olympian Natalie Cook
    Sep 29, 2013 Podcasts & Videos

    Sustaining Motivation with Olympian Natalie Cook

    Dandapani: Good morning everyone. Greetings from Sydney Australia. I am here with a dear friend of mine a five time Olympian and an Olympic gold medalist Natalie Cook. We met in Queenstown, New Zealand earlier this year. We were speaking at a conference and Natalie spoke about

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  • Aug 8, 2013 Podcasts & Videos

    Getting to know Dandapani (Part 1)

    I've just launched a new series of audio and video talks called "Conversations on the Spiritual Path". When I shared with a friend of mine, Stacey Green, that I was about to do this she said that the first conversation should be about me. People should get to know me and who I am

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