Tag: Hinduism
68 Posts
Understanding the Mind – a foundation for meditation
In today’s class we explored the 3 phases of the mind – the instinctive, intellectual and intuitive. Our study each day has been taking us deeply in to the understanding of the mind and to give us the necessary framework to begin successful meditation practice. We looked closely at ho...
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Awareness Riding on Technology
Last week an entrepreneur from Australia that had attended one of my workshops there, shared with me an article titled “Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction” that had appeared in the New York Times. Coincidentally enough, my meditation class in New York City last week (pic below)...
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Kumbha Mela’s Ascetics
In February of 2010 I was fortunate enough to be present at the Kumbha Mela festival that was taking place in Haridwar, North India. Thousands of Hindu ascetics (a person who leads an austerely simple life, especially one who abstains from the normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself...
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Siva’s Great Night
Maha Sivaratri or “Siva’s Great Night” is a religious festival that takes place once a year where Hindus stay awake throughout the night worshiping and honoring their Supreme God Siva. The festival is celebrated every year on the 13th night/14th day of the new moon during Krishn...
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Happy Pancha Ganapati
Happy Pancha Ganapati everyone! We continue with our five-day celebration of Pancha Ganapati. Today, is the final day of the celebration, and Gurudeva shares from his book “Loving Ganesha” DECEMBER 25, ORANGE The family sadhana for the final day of Pancha Ganapati is to bring forth lo...
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Pancha Ganapati Day 4
We continue with our five-day celebration of Pancha Ganapati. Today, day 4 of the celebration, Gurudeva shares from his book “Loving Ganesha” DECEMBER 24, GREEN The sadhana of day four is to draw forth the vibration of joy and harmony that comes from music, art, drama and the dance. F...
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Pancha Ganapati Day 3
We continue with our five-day celebration of Pancha Ganapati. Today, day 3 of the celebration, Gurudeva shares from his book “Loving Ganesha” DECEMBER 23, RED The family sadhana for the third day is to create a vibration of love and harmony among business associates, the casual mercha...
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Pancha Ganapati Day 2
We continue with our five-day celebration of Pancha Ganapati. Today, day 2 of the celebration, Gurudeva shares from his book “Loving Ganesha” DECEMBER 22, BLUE “The family sadhana (spiritual practice) for the second day of Pancha Ganapati is to create a vibration of love and har...
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