EMOTION Magazine Monthly Feature
August 13, 2014 • Featured In, Insights on Life, Learn, News

I have the opportunity to go to Germany each month. Well, maybe not me physically, but my teachings are offered in a a widely read German publication, Emotion Magazine. My articles feature tips and insight into self-development and personal growth. Topics include investing in yourself, how to make an appointment with yourself, learning to breathe, and being intentional about the direction of your life.
I am honored to be a part of the magazine and grateful that my writings are available to a larger population abroad. If you happen to be in Germany, please pick up a copy on the news stand. You’ll find me waiting inside its pages with practical tools to help you achieve your most optimal life.

Don’t Confuse Your Mind
Your mind is your greatest asset. The better you understand it the more you can do with it to help you with every aspect of your life. This is worth investing time in. After all, it is the most powerful tool that we have. One thing we want to avoid doing with the mind is…
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The Cure for Worry
All of us have experienced this crippling force—some more than others. Some, unfortunately, live in it. Worry, like fear, is a mental plague that has survived the test of time. It has robbed people of their peace of mind, ransacked them of their energy, and made itself an unwanted squatter in the...
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This Week’s Reflections
Good morning. A few reflections for the week. Define Your Relationship With Your Phone If your smartphone feels like it’s taking over your life, it’s likely because you haven’t clearly defined your relationship with it. My technology, my smartphone, is a tool for me, just like a shovel. I have a...
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The Superconscious Mind: The Highest Version of You
In the depths of our mind lies a powerful realm—the superconscious mind. This part of us transcends the limits of daily thinking. It’s the source of intuition, the wellspring of creativity, and the space where clarity radiates uninterrupted. The superconscious mind is accessible to everyone—it’s ...
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