Learn more about this Spiritual Adventure at the above links.
I will be your spiritual catalyst on this journey and your study with me will be based on the Hindu philosophy that I grew up and was trained in, and continue to practice. You need not be a Hindu to come on this journey with me but you must be open to learning about Hindu philosophy.
The Philosophy
Let’s get clear of your spiritual philosophy
Our study will begin by helping you to define the spiritual philosophy that you resonate most closely with. Where are you in your spiritual unfoldment today? What are the spiritual beliefs that you are firmly anchored in? What are those that you are unclear about or are questioning?
The goal is to help you articulate clearly the fundamental spiritual beliefs that you resonate and align with. This will make up your spiritual philosophy. Once this has been done, the philosophy can now define your spiritual goal
The Goal
Defining your spiritual goal
Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, so insightfully observed, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” The ultimate goal on the spiritual path needs to be clearly defined. Only when the ultimate goal is clearly defined can one then outline the path to it.
The ultimate goal on the Hindu spiritual path is Self-realization. What is the Self? My guru shares “It is God. It is That which is beyond the mind, beyond thought, feeling and emotion, beyond time, form and space. That is what all men are seeking, looking for, longing for.”
The Path
Outlining your spiritual path
Most people never make much progress on the spiritual path because they can’t clearly outline the path. In addition to this, they are also afraid of committing to a spiritual philosophy and a clearly outlined path.
“Why do I have to give it a name?” they lament. You give everything else in your life a name. “Well, I’m spiritual not religious.” What does that even mean? They would rather be committed to not being committed than to commit to a philosophy. And if you can’t commit to a philosophy, goal and path then don’t expect to make significant progress in your spiritual life.
Part of our study will also examine why it is that many people struggle to commit to a spiritual belief. In my decades of conversations with thousands of individuals one thing that stands out as a major hindrance in committing to a spiritual belief is the formation that the subconscious has gone through in the first decade or so of an individual’s life.
Erroneous beliefs need to be eradicated. Perspectives need to be shifted. Subconscious patterns need to be adjusted. But we can only do all of this if we are clear on what our spiritual philosophy is. This is part of the work that we will embark on.
Guidelines and Practices to keep you on the path to the goal
Having clearly articulated the spiritual philosophy, goal and path, the next stop is to outline the guidelines and practices that one needs to live by in order to stay on the path, make progress on it and eventually experience the goal that the philosophy defines.
Hindu philosophy admonishes that the first two steps on the spiritual path are the guidelines and practices that you live by. These guidelines and practices define your spiritual life. It is critical that in order to make progress on the spiritual path that one must live a lifestyle that supports making progress.
It is common today that people adopt a practice, any practice, that resonates with them or that they assume is helpful. This is putting the cart before the horse. First define the goal and the path, then it will become evident what guidelines and practices are essential for this journey.
One of the goals on this Spiritual Adventure is to help you define some of the practices and guidelines that you can incorporate in your daily life upon returning home to begin on a structured journey of spiritual unfoldment.
Learn more about this Spiritual Adventure at the above links.