Category: Insights on Life
104 Posts

Advice from a 126-year old Monk
Swami Bua was a dear friend of mine. I was first introduced to him when I lived as a monk at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. My guru had known Swami Bua for years now and had invited him to spend a week or so with us at the monastery to celebrate a yearly festival.…
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Facing & Understanding Challenges
“All seekers accept as their own karma all experiences that come, however harsh or difficult, never uttering a syllable of complaint. Theirs is the power of surrender, accepting what is as it is, not as they want it to be” ~ Gurudeva When one truly understands the law of karma and is ...
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Preparing for Death – Life’s Inevitable Transition
You can prepare for it but no matter who you are you will feel the pain of letting go of this birth. It’s like duct tape slowly being pulled off a hairy arm. Countless magnetic energetic cords break as they are forcefully detached from what they were connected to. When you live in a physica...
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The 3 States of Mind
Someone recently asked me the following question on the three phases of the mind and I thought I’d share my response. I am curious to know – do you think the 3 phases of the mind (instinctive, intellectual and intuitive) can ever operate in harmony, or are they in eternal conflict by ...
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The Art of Charm: Monk with a Macbook
I recently did an interesting interview with Jordan Harbinger of “The Art of Charm.” I spoke a bit about my journey to becoming a monk, life in the monastery and then we had a great discussion about relationships, energy and the importance of knowing your path in life. I explained my belief in th...
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EMOTION Magazine Monthly Feature
I have the opportunity to go to Germany each month. Well, maybe not me physically, but my teachings are offered in a a widely read German publication, Emotion Magazine. My articles feature tips and insight into self-development and personal growth. Topics include investing in yourself, how to mak...
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4 Helpful Tips for your New Year Goals
Happy New Year everyone! When it comes around this time of the year I always hear people talking about their goals for the year. It’s great to have goals. But I always recommend for people to also outline a path to that goal. A clear plan. The goal itself is not very useful if there…
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Thoughts on Gratitude and Appreciation
During this time of thanksgiving many people take the opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation to the people in their lives and for what they have as well. When we express gratitude or appreciation it’s good to remember to be specific. For instance, instead of saying “thank you for being...
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