Category: Insights on Life
104 Posts

Where do we start with COVID-19?
Where do you, as a person, start with dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic? When a situation like the pandemic we have now arises it is easy to experience a myriad of emotions. These emotions are usually not positive and prolonged indulgence in them only leads to a downward spiral of consciousne...
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How badly do you want it?
To want to create a change in your life you must really want it. You must really, really want it. The truth is, most people are never able to create the lives they want because they don’t want it badly enough. They desire it, but that’s as far as it goes and their efforts fall…
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Immediate change
A lot of people want immediate change. Technology has trained them to expect instant gratification. You can go online, purchase something and have it delivered the same day or the very next day in a lot of cities nowadays. Advertisements are promising you quick weight loss, how to gain mastery on...
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Children and Willpower
It’s easier to observe how much inborn willpower there is in a person when they are a child versus an adult. Think about the children that you know, you can tell right away that each child has a different amount of natural willpower. If you are a parent, you may have experienced the following sce...
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Investing Energy
Whatever I invest my energy in will start to grow. If I invest my energy in something positive it will grow and become more positive. If I invest my energy into something negative it will grow and become more negative. Energy has no ability to discriminate between what is positive and what is neg...
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Slow Down or Simplify
A couple of weeks ago when I was in Berlin where I gave a keynote titled “Mastering your Mind” to a group of people involved in Private Equity and Investing, an individual said to me after my talk “I really need to slow down my life. My whole family needs to slow down. It’s just…
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Why people don’t change
I don’t want to sound pessimistic but the honest truth is that most people don’t want to change badly enough, and that is why they can’t sustain changes in their lives. You have to want change so badly that you are willing to do what it takes to make it happen in your life. You…
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Apples and Oranges
When you desire apples more than you do oranges is when you will start to choose apples instead of oranges. Life is the same way too. A lot of people say to me they want to have a more spiritual life. But the truth is they don’t desire it enough. It’s only when their desire…
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