993 Posts

Hiking in St John & working with our inner psychic currents
This morning we took a ferry to the neighbouring island of St. John about 20 mins away. We then hiked to Solomons Beach. White sand with coconut trees on the beach, turquoise waters and only a handful of people there it was the perfect beach. We enjoyed our time here before hiking further to Honeymoon Beach. A massive cloud made it’s way over the island and unleashed on us. It’s been a while since any of us stood under a warm tropical downpour. It was quite enjoyable. We had lunch in St. John before heading back to St. Thomas.
This evening’s class covered the Ida (feminine) and Pingala (masculine) psychic currents plus the odic and actinic forces. We taught how to identify these currents and also how to be aware of these forces in everday life. Odic force is a sticky magnetic force that can exist between people and people, and people and things. Actinic force is the superconscious mind. The meditator seeks the actinic force.
We also shared how it is important to balance the masculine and feminine currents within the body. We talked about women working in the world and having to function in the masculine current in order to move the forces of the world and how important it is for the woman to gravitate back towards her natural feminine current once she returns home. And how this can be accomplished.
Encountering the Subconscious
In this evening’s class we covered the first thing that a serious meditator will encounter as he begins his journey within and that is the subconscious mind. To put it very simply. One could look at the mind as layers. You have the conscious mind then above it the subconscious and above tha...
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Developing Willpower and Concentration
Our day started with a morning group Hatha Yoga practice on the balcony over looking the Caribbean sea. A sweet spot to practice yoga as we watched the sun rise. After breakfast we dived into our morning class. We studied how to develop two qualities, willpower and concentration, and use that to ...
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Learning to Meditate
Our meditation retreat is off to a wonderful start. A brief light shower that came in from the south cooled the island after what had been a pretty hot day. [youtube]3j-DgzBT3QM[/youtube] In our first class today we learned one of the most important concepts in the process of learning how to medi...
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Day 1 of Meditation Retreat, Virgin Islands
It’s another gorgeous day here in St. Thomas. The ocean is calm, turquoise and inviting. The sun is out. The private villa is surrounded with beautiful flowers. It’s the first day of our meditation retreat and our participants are arriving early this afternoon. Sharing a photo of the ...
Read MoreVisiting St. John, US Virgin Islands
A few helpful bits of information for visiting the islands of St. John in the US Virgin Islands. Inter-Island Boat Service 340-776-6597 Tortola (every day) Depart St, John/ Departs West End, Tortola 0830 Mon thru Sun 0915 1130 Mon thru Sun 1215 1530 Mon thru Thurs, & Sat 1615 1630 Sun only (n...
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Kumbha Mela – Feeding the Masses
Click here to view the photo gallery on “Feeding the Masses”. One of the things I was curious about is how do you feed that many people. There were certainly noticeable groups at the Kumbha Mela – to name a few: Sadhus, wealthy pilgrims, poorer pilgrims, beggars, foreigners and the re...
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