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1006 posts since 2008

Tag: Awareness and the Mind

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Bringing Awareness to Attention
Oct 29, 2017 Awareness & the Mind

Bringing Awareness to Attention

Now, I’ve already shared with you that the most important thing in understanding the mind is understanding that there is a clear separation between awareness and mind. Once you’ve understood that you are not the mind but rather you are pure awareness moving through different areas of the mind, then the next step is to control where awareness goes. The first step in doing this is bringing awareness...

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  • Awareness, Energy & Mental Patterns
    Oct 15, 2017 Awareness & the Mind

    Awareness, Energy & Mental Patterns

    If your awareness is constantly going to one particular area of the mind, then that is where your energy is flowing, and that area of the mind will become stronger and stronger. It is almost like you are feeding the muscles of that area of the mind. For example, if your awareness

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  • Awareness as a Traveler
    Oct 9, 2017 Awareness & the Mind

    Awareness as a Traveler

    One of the analogies that my guru often used to describe awareness and the mind is viewing awareness as a traveler and the mind as the world. When you go to San Francisco to visit you have experiences that San Francisco offers. You experience San Francisco but you are not San Fra

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  • Living in the Moment
    Sep 25, 2017 Insights on Life

    Living in the Moment

    To understand how to live in the moment, we need to have an understanding of time. Let’s look at time in a very simple but practical way: If you could divide time into three parts, you could say there was the past, the present and the future. At any given point, awareness can be

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  • Awareness, the Dog
    Sep 18, 2017 Insights on Life

    Awareness, the Dog

    Treat your awareness like a dog. I remember a few years ago I went on holidays to the Caribbean, and while I was there, I stayed with a friend of mine. He works for the FBI and is in the Canine Unit, so he has a German Shepherd. A big, beautiful dog. This dog is so well trained,

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  • The Journey of Awareness in Meditation
    Apr 27, 2016 Meditation

    The Journey of Awareness in Meditation

    The mystic's goal is to control awareness in his mind. To separate awareness from that which he is aware of so he can consciously move it to any area of the mind that he wants it to go to. As he gains mastery over his awareness and a gains a better understanding of his mind, he

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