A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: awareness

Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path. Join me on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Jan 9, 2012 Meditation

How do you know a meditation technique is good or not?

On the 7th of January I was asked "what are the techniques of meditation" and responded to that on the blog. The natural next question to follow from that was asked...which was "How do you know a meditation technique is good or not?" It's hard to know this answer if you are new to meditation. How would you know anyway if you've never tried it out long enough. Hopefully this can help shed some lig...

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More Articles

  • Jan 7, 2012 Meditation

    What are the techniques of meditation? 

    I received a question on email from Rupa in DC who asked "What are the techniques of meditation?" There are many meditation techniques around. You should pick one that you resonate and feel comfortable with. Different techniques work for different people. Stick to it once you've

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  • Jan 4, 2012 Speaking

    What is the purpose of meditation?

    Somebody asked me in a class recently a question that I have never been asked before. The question was “What is the purpose of meditation?” Strange, I thought at that very instant I heard the question, that it was a very obvious question but no one seems to ask it. Unless of cour

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  • Apr 30, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

    In the Backwaters of Kerala, South India

    We checked into our beautiful resort. It's tucked away in a village, almost hidden away on the shores of India's longest lake. A lot of the hotel is built in the old Kerala style homes giving it an old world charm. Everyone loves it and are happy settle down here for th

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  • Awareness Riding on Technology
    Mar 15, 2011 Speaking

    Awareness Riding on Technology

    Last week an entrepreneur from Australia that had attended one of my workshops there, shared with me an article titled "Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction" that had appeared in the New York Times. Coincidentally enough, my meditation class in New York City last week (pic b

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  • Oct 29, 2010 Spiritual Adventures

    Classes and Excursions in Darjeeling

    We are certainly well settled in Darjeeling now and in the comforts of our beautiful hotel. We are spending more time each day in classes and less in excursions. Our main excursion for today was to head out to Tiger Hill to watch the sun rise over the Himalayas. We joined hundred

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  • Oct 29, 2010 Spiritual Adventures

    Fun day of classes on meditation in the Himalayas

    It's our last full day in Darjeeling and we spent a few hours of it in classes. Today it was everyone's turn to be a teacher. Each person was given a topic yesterday and it was left to them to teach the group everything they knew about it. I got to play the student with many ques

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