A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: beginning to meditate.

Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path. Join me on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Meditation Class in Manhattan, NYC
Nov 30, 2011 Speaking

Meditation Class in Manhattan, NYC

Our approach to meditation is simple and systematic. A clear understanding of what is involved is shared, a plan outlined and tools given to create or sustain a meditation practice. The rest is up to you for true progress with meditation lays solely on your consistent effort. Whether you are a beginner or someone who has been meditating for a while you'll find these classes very useful. The fir...

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  • Guided Meditation Classes in New York City
    Nov 15, 2011 Speaking

    Guided Meditation Classes in New York City

    Our approach to meditation is simple and systematic. A clear understanding of what is involved is shared, a plan outlined and tools given to create or sustain a meditation practice. The rest is up to you for true progress with meditation lays solely on your consistent effort.

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  • Chandelao, an untouched gem in the desert
    Oct 29, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

    Chandelao, an untouched gem in the desert

    We've been out of touch for the last couple of days as we've been in a remote village in western Rajasthan. We left New Delhi on the 27th of Oct night by train which is always fun in India and headed to Jodhpur arriving about 7:30am the next morning. From Jodhpur we drove about a

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  • Guided Meditation Class in New York City
    Aug 29, 2011 Speaking

    Guided Meditation Class in New York City

    Join our evening guided meditation in a quiet garden in midtown close to Grand Central on Tuesday August 9th. This 30-min meditation will take you through some breathing exercises and a simple but effective meditation practice. Class is open to meditation practitioners of all l

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  • Guided Meditation Class in New York
    Aug 21, 2011 Speaking

    Guided Meditation Class in New York

    Join our evening guided meditation in a quiet garden in midtown close to Grand Central on Tuesday August 9th. This 30-min meditation will take you through some breathing exercises and a simple but effective meditation practice. Class is open to meditation practitioners of all l

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  • Apr 30, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

    In the Backwaters of Kerala, South India

    We checked into our beautiful resort. It's tucked away in a village, almost hidden away on the shores of India's longest lake. A lot of the hotel is built in the old Kerala style homes giving it an old world charm. Everyone loves it and are happy settle down here for th

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  • Apr 28, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

    Understanding the Mind - a foundation for meditation

    In today's class we explored the 3 phases of the mind - the instinctive, intellectual and intuitive. Our study each day has been taking us deeply in to the understanding of the mind and to give us the necessary framework to begin successful meditation practice. We looked closely

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