Tag: Borobudur sunrise images
2 Posts

Photos of Borobudur Temple, Indonesia
May 17, 2012 • Photography & Travel
Continuing the post on Borobudur that I started a few days ago. Here are few more images and a little more insight into this spectacular Buddhist temple in Central Java, Indonesia. Six square terraces make up the bottom part of the temple and on top of these are three circular terraces. There are...
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Borobudur, Buddhism’s grandest citadel
May 11, 2012 • Spiritual Adventures
In our upcoming wellness and meditation retreat to the islands of Indonesia in September this year we’ll be visiting the magnificent Borobudur temple in Central Java. For the adventurers, the pre-dawn excursion to Borobudur temple to witness the sunrise is a surreal and unparalleled experie...
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