Tag: Focus
15 Posts

Meditation is a Fine Art
Meditation is a fine art and we need to treat it that way. We need to treat it the same way we would treat learning any art form. If we wanted to learn the piano, we would not take a 12-week course hoping at the end of the 12 weeks that we would be able…
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The Power of Thought
Everything begins in the mental plane first before it manifests in the physical plane. You think to yourself first, “I would like some ice cream,” then you get up and get yourself some ice cream. But it began in your mind with a thought. Each thought has a picture, sound and color associated with...
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Preparation for Meditation
Your preparation for meditation is as important as your meditation practice, if not more so. The better you prepare, the better your meditation will be. Look at it this way, if someone very important was coming to your home for dinner you would prepare for this, would you not? You would clean you...
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The Way Forward is Inward and Upward
The way forward is inward and upward. Truly. In this confusing time (post election in the US), and it is very confusing for a lot of people, our first step is to take a higher perspective on all of it. If you are functioning in a lower state of mind like fear or anger for…
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Conscious Accounting
I was invited by Xero, a cloud-based accounting software company, to be their global keynote speaker for their annual Xerocon event. Subsequently, I gave keynotes in San Francisco and Brisbane, Australia, titled “Conscious Accounting”. The keynote was based on the premise that we only...
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Interview with an Olympic Gold Medalist
Last week in Sydney, Australia, I caught up with a dear friend of mine, Natalie Cook, five-time Olympian and Olympic gold medalist, who happened to be visiting this beautiful city as well. I took this opportunity to interview her about sustaining motivation and to gain some insights into what dro...
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Directing Desire
One never really gets to the point in their life where all desire goes away. As my guru says “desire is life”. I often hear older people say I don’t have desires any more. I beg to defer. You do have desires. You just no longer desire what you use to desire. You have new…
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