Tag: Reincarnation
8 Posts

How To Work With Guilt
One of the things to cultivate on the spiritual path is self-acceptance. Right this moment, you are the sum total of many, many incarnations. It took hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years, to bring you to this very moment so you have to be forgiving of yourself for your negative person...
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Should we try to remember our past lives?
Through a clear and disciplined spiritual practice of self development and growth, you tend to see more things within yourself, not only from this life but also from previous lives. When you come to a place on your spiritual path where you don’t understand something about your nature that you are...
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Hindu View of Reincarnation
In the Hindu belief, a soul lives in the physical body and when the physical body dies, the soul continues functioning in the astral plane before reincarnating. When a soul reincarnates, it goes through another physical life and keeps evolving, and another life and keeps evolving, and so on until...
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Can we choose our next birth?
Most people do not have mastery over their own energy and are perpetually creating through thoughts, words and actions some future that is beyond their control. More mature souls are conscious of what they are thinking, speaking and doing and put themselves on a clear path to create their own fut...
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Recap: Conversations on the Spiritual Path Munich
On November 17th a large crowd gathered at the Hotel Stadt Rosenheim in Munich, Germany, for a Conversations on the Spiritual Path: Munich edition. It was an evening chock full of provocative life questions from a diverse group of attendees, all bringing an array of experiences and beliefs to the...
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What happens when you die and why you need to see the movie Ghost
Is there a bigger question one can ask than “where will I go when I die?” Dandapani sets to provide an answer to life’s ultimate question. Listen to the full audio of this episode of Conversations on the Spiritual Path. Question: I just want to make sure that I’m understanding. ...
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An Evening of Thought Provoking Conversation and Spiritual Inquiry in Brisbane
The Conversations on the Spiritual Path Brisbane event was met with great success. About fifty people attended, filling the space at the Proactive Accountants Network with curiosity and deep exploration into topics from life to death and all the provocations in between. Sometimes in an open forum...
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Conversations on the Spiritual Path, St.Louis, Missouri
Great event Friday evening at Jane’s House of Well-Being in St.Louis, Missouri. Our “Conversations on the Spiritual Path” event brought up great questions about religion, the spiritual path, “do we need to pick a religion or can we treat it like a spiritual buffet and pick...
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