The Way Forward is Inward and Upward
November 30, 2016 • Insights on Life, Learn

The way forward is inward and upward. Truly. In this confusing time (post election in the US), and it is very confusing for a lot of people, our first step is to take a higher perspective on all of it.
If you are functioning in a lower state of mind like fear or anger for example then your perspective on this whole thing is from fear and anger. Your next move will be from this area of the mind which will not be a good move.
But before I go on any further let me say that it is ok for you to be here temporarily (for now) considering all that is happening. I experienced it too when I watched it all unfold in front of me at 3am in the morning. But as soon as I saw my awareness being taken to the area of the mind of fear I said to myself “I am not going there. Nor am I going to allow anyone or anything to take me there.”
Why? Fear leads to anger and anger leads to retaliation. Nothing good comes from this. History has proven this over and over again. We need a high-minded approach.
The question my guru, Gurudeva, always made me ask myself when things were problematic or complicated is “what are you going to do about it?” For me, it’s necessary, it is imperative, to take action. Right action. Action that will result in outcomes you want whether it be now or in the future. For this to happen in the wisest and most effective way requires a clear perspective on the issue. How is this clear perspective attained? It’s attained by going inward and lifting one’s awareness to a higher state of consciousness.
So, the first step is to move your awareness to a higher state. Here’s how we do it.
Step 1 – Mastering awareness in the mind
First understand there are two things. Awareness and the mind. Let’s define awareness as a glowing ball of light and the mind as a vast space with many different areas within it. There is a fear area of the mind, an anger area, a happy area, a creative area and so on. You are not the mind rather you are pure awareness moving within the mind. You can, at any point in time, take your awareness to any area of the mind you want to go to. Or allow someone or something to be in charge of where your awareness goes. The goal is not to control your mind but to control where awareness goes in your mind.
Spiritual Practice 1.1: Control where your awareness goes in your mind. If it goes to a place of fear bring it back to what you are doing. Do not let awareness go to lower areas of the mind.
Step 2 – Let’s get out of fear and anger
Fear comes when you allow awareness to go into the future in an uncontrolled way, create a situation that has not yet happened and then return awareness to the present and start worrying and fearing about this situation you have created in your mind. It is ok to allow awareness to go into the future to see potential outcomes. But then when you return to the present you have to realize it has not happened yet. There is a potential for it to happen but it has not happened yet. You still have a chance to do something about it. Keep bringing awareness back to the here and now.
Spiritual Practice 2.1: Return to your center, your spine
Wake up in the morning, shower, wear fresh clothes, find a quiet space in your home and sit here for 5 to 10 mins each day. Sit cross legged on the floor or on a chair with a firm surface. Keep your spine straight. Feel or visualize all your energy withdrawing from each limb into your spine. Your spine in your center.
Spiritual Practice 2.2: Say this affirmation daily
Every time you feel fear and worry repeat to yourself this affirmation my guru taught me “I am alright, right now.”
Step 3: Conserve your finite energy and direct it wisely.
You only have a finite amount of energy each day. Use it wisely.
Remember Gurudeva’s saying that I share all the time “where awareness goes, energy flows.” When you allow your awareness to function in a fear or anger area of the mind it consumes tremendous amount of energy. Use your willpower and move awareness out of that area of the mind.
Direct your awareness wisely so you direct energy wisely. Energy is like water. If you water a garden bed both the weeds and flowers will grow. Energy is the same way. Whatever you put energy into starts to manifest. Allow awareness to go to a negative area of the mind, energy flows there and it strengthens that area of the mind.
Summary: Wisely manage and invest your finite energy by controlling where your awareness goes.
Step 4: Taking wise, loving and proactive steps
Posting on Facebook to the “friends” that Facebook determines will see your posts is not taking a proactive step.
Ask yourself…
What are my strengths? What am I passionate about? How can I leverage this to make a difference through intelligent action. What existing channels can I use so my effort and energy makes an actual difference?
Step 5: Love and Peace
Without trying to sound like a hippie, love and peace is the way forward. Violence, anger, fear, hatred, name-calling and other lower emotions will not lead to any solutions. This has been proven time and time again. The greatest political victories have been won by adopting this attitude. Non-violence, acceptance of everyone, treating everyone the same, peace and love are among attitudes that must be embraced and lived as part of the protest. The current First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, stated it so well – “When they go low, we go high”.
My first step in making a difference: I’ve decided to offer a free class sharing tools and teachings, plus a guided meditation to help people center themselves. I’m paying for the space and doing this as a service. Every Thursday in December at 7:30pm in Manhattan, New York. If you know anyone who lives in NYC who would like to be part of this then please have them sign up for this FREE Meditation Class here.
In Conclusion
So, master where your awareness goes in your mind. Move it to higher states of mind. Conserve your finite energy and directly it wisely. Treat everyone the same. Strive to keep awareness in a higher state of mind. Make a difference by taking wise, loving and proactive steps.

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