A Matter of Perspective

October 14, 2012 • Learn, Photography & Travel, Spiritual Tools

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Many of you know I have a love for photography. I wanted to share with you a couple of photos that I took today in Salzburg, Austria, while walking around the old part of town. I mainly want to highlight how by changing your perspective you can get a completely different image of the subject. The subject in discussion here is a fountain next to the Salzburg museum.

The first image below of the fountain was taken with a church in the background. An ok photo but nothing impressive at all. By moving around to the other side of the fountain, kneeling down and keeping the sun directly in front of me I took another photo. A much different result. A much better one.

The same works with the mind. If your awareness resides in the conscious mind your perspective on life is a certain way – externalized and dominated by your five senses. If your awareness is in the superconscious area of the mind your perspective is more like being on top of the mountain. You get to see the whole picture, make wiser decisions and create better outcomes.

Shot with the church in the background.

Shot kneeling down with the sun in the background which allowed for the water to be lit up.

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