
1006 Posts

The Power of Thought
The Power of Thought

Everything begins in the mental plane first before it manifests in the physical plane. 

You think to yourself first, “I would like some ice cream,” then you get up and get yourself some ice cream. But it began in your mind with a thought. Each thought has a picture, sound and color associated with it. Prolonged concentration on a thought eventually brings it into manifestation on the physical plane. 

The longer you think about wanting an ice cream the stronger the thought form becomes. As the thought form becomes stronger, you start to speak it out loud. You may express this intention to someone by saying, “I feel like having some ice cream.” As you think more about this and, hence, put more energy into the thought form, you will start to manifest it in the physical plane. 

Now you will stand up and say, “I’m going to go and get myself some ice cream.”

So much of what is manifested in people’s lives is a result of them repeatedly thinking about the same thing, more often than always unknowingly, thus bringing it into manifestation. 

Some years ago, I met a well known author at a private dinner in New York City. I recognized who he was. He came up to me to introduce himself. After he had done so I shared my name with him. His immediate response was, “I’m really terrible at remembering names.” I thought to myself, “I’m sure you are. That’s what you affirm to yourself inwardly and outwardly.” You have become what you think and tell yourself. We are all guilty of this. I am too. 

The key is to be observant of what we are thinking and stop ourselves from repeatedly thinking thoughts that are not aligned with the life we want to create for ourselves. To be observant, you must learn to concentrate because observation is a by-product of prolonged states of concentration.

Be careful of what you think and how much energy you put into those thoughts, lest they manifest in your life.

Ps. I wonder how many people will want to eat ice-cream after reading this email. I know I do.

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Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!
Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!

The year has quietly rolled into February. Inching forward every day whether we like it or not. As we move forward, I want to bring up a topic that is important for all of us to revisit frequently in our lives and that is the topic of simplification. Let me do so by sharing a…

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Let’s Talk Meditation – Part 3 (FINAL)
Let’s Talk Meditation – Part 3 (FINAL)

This is the final part of my series of emails on Meditation. I hope you have been enjoying them and have gained deeper insights into meditation. Please reply and let me know (you may not get a response due to the volume of emails I receive), but I’d love to hear from you. If you…

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Part 2 – Let’s Talk Meditation
Part 2 – Let’s Talk Meditation

Everybody and their dog has an opinion on meditation (including me). Most of these folks don’t meditate or have never been formally trained or even more so seriously committed to one meditation path. The latter truly is a telltale sign of how seriously one takes his or her meditation practice. Wh...

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Let’s talk Meditation! – Part 1
Let’s talk Meditation! – Part 1

I’m starting the year by writing a 3-part series on meditation with the goal of bringing some clarity around it and dispelling a few myths. First things, first. Let’s get clear on terminology. This is important because we want to train our subconscious to understand the specific meaning of a word...

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Old Soul, Young Soul
Old Soul, Young Soul

If I can accept myself for where I am in my evolution, then I can accept others for where they are in their evolution. As a Hindu and from personal experiences, I believe and subscribe to the concept of reincarnation. Simply said, reincarnation describes a belief that we are a soul living in a ph...

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The Things We Tell Ourselves
The Things We Tell Ourselves

Well, it has been a really long time since I’ve sent one of these emails out. Apologies for my hiatus. October and November were filled with events I spoke at in the US, across Europe and in India. My travels culminated with a retreat that I held in South India where I led a group…

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