Awareness – The Story of your Journey in the Mind
February 9, 2016 • Awareness & the Mind, Learn
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Do you know that you are pure awareness traveling through the mind? Do you know that you are not the mind? Imagine for a while that you are awareness and imagine this awareness as a ball of pure white light. Now imagine you are this ball, pure awareness, flowing through the mind. And that you can travel anywhere in the vast mind that you want to go to. You can go to a place in the mind that is always unhappy and when you are here you’ll experience being unhappy. You can go to a place in the mind that is always joyful and you’ll experience being joyful. There is a clear separation between awareness and the mind. Your are pure awareness. You are not your mind.
Most people live two thirds in the external mind and one third within. Some people live completely in the external mind. When both these types of people are in the area of the mind that is unhappy they say “I am unhappy” and they associate themselves with unhappiness. “This is me” they lament, “I am unhappy.”
The mystic however lives two thirds within and one third externally. When he is feeling unhappy he realizes that his awareness is in an area of the mind called unhappiness. He realizes he is here but he knows beyond any doubt that he is not unhappiness. He knows he is pure awareness flowing through an unhappy area of the mind and thus experiencing a state of temporary unhappiness. All he needs to do is to use his willpower and move his awareness out of that area of the mind and flow it to another area of the mind that he wishes to be in.
One of the first things to accomplish on the spiritual path is to separate awareness from that which it is aware of. To know that you are not that which you are aware of is the great wisdom you need to learn and more importantly experience. Once you can do this you will gain tremendous amount of freedom and begin to take control of your mind, your energy and therefore your life.
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The Holey Wine Barrel
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