Category: Awareness & the Mind
36 Posts

How to view Problems
There are two ways to view problems. You can view it from the intellect or view it from the superconscious. The intellect views “problems” as problems. The superconscious views “problems” as repeated subconscious patterns that need to be adjusted. The intellect solves prob...
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Awareness – The Story of your Journey in the Mind
Do you know that you are pure awareness traveling through the mind? Do you know that you are not the mind? Imagine for a while that you are awareness and imagine this awareness as a ball of pure white light. Now imagine you are this ball, pure awareness, flowing through the mind. And that you&hel...
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Awareness the Dog
Your awareness is like a little puppy. If you let it do what it wants and let it run around where it likes then when it grows up it will be uncontrollable. But if you train it right from the start, catch and stop it overtime it strays, then when it grows up it will…
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How long does this high last?
Those of you who have been following my blog know that I have just returned from conducting Enstasy, my meditation confluence in Kerala, South India. One of the participants who had returned home to the states recently commented on a post on Facebook asking “how long does this high last?...
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