Category: Insights on Life
104 Posts

Purpose Drives Focus
Today, I wanted to continue on the topic that I touched on in my last post which was purpose. If you look at a person’s day, most of what happens in their day is driven by purpose. When we get in a car it is quite often, if not always, to go somewhere specific. Even…
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What’s in your suitcase?
The year is fast coming to an end. A new year is often a promise of hope. A time when many people make plans, set goals and resolutions, and more than anything wish for things to be better. In going forward, a good practice to adopt is to look at what it is that we…
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I often hear people say they have such busy lives. I think it’s more a problem of having misguided priorities than being busy. We are doing too much. Nobody is forcing us to do all the things we do. We choose to do them. We make these decisions to commit to so many things and…
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What is your Biggest Fear?
Everyone has fears. Fear is the highest state of consciousness for the instinctive mind. The instinctive mind, the conscious mind, is tied to our five senses and our physical body. As long as we have a physical body, as long as we live in our physical body, we are subject to the rules of it.&hel...
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The Transitory Nature of Life
A lot has been happening over the past few weeks that have consumed my awareness including testing positive for COVID. Even though I was vaccinated I got pretty sick. I could not help thinking during this time that this experience was an excellent reminder of the fragility of life. This is a ne...
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You do you, I’ll do me
In the years leading up to me becoming an ordained Hindu monk, I had so many people tell me how I should be living my life. They knew I was very spiritually inclined and in the year before becoming a monk, I made my intentions to be a monastic clear to people. It was fascinating…
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COVID: The Path Forward
The last 18-months have been challenging to say the least. For many, as a result of this pandemic, so much of life has changed – from work, income, lifestyle and more. For some, it has been devastating with the loss of loved ones, side effects of the virus and other severe repercussions. No...
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Big Dog, Small Dog
I once observed a man walking a big Rottweiler dog on a sidewalk. As he passed along the fence of the front yard of a home, a small dog came running up from the front door of the home to the fence barking. This little furball threw its front paws on the chain-link fence that…
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