Category: Learn

229 Posts

Your Spine, Your Center
Your Spine, Your Center

The meditator’s goal, on the Hindu spiritual path of Raja Yoga, is to first become aware of energy and then to familiarize himself with it. Next he learns to harness this energy so it does not all flow out of him. Once this is done, his task is to withdraw this energy. As he withdraws…

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Life and Energy
Life and Energy

Your life is a manifestation of where you put your energy. Wherever you put your energy in your life, that’s what starts to manifest in your life. The people around you, the things around you, the opportunities around you — they are all a manifestation of where you are investing your energy. Lear...

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Choose where your energy flows
Choose where your energy flows

Reflection for this weekend: “By wisely discriminating where our energy flows, we can with the powers of concentration channel our energies to specific areas in our lives that we want to cultivate.” ~ Dandapani Photo: Kulaniapia Falls on the Big Island in Hawaii. Breathtaking in every way.

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How To Work With Guilt
How To Work With Guilt

One of the things to cultivate on the spiritual path is self-acceptance. Right this moment, you are the sum total of many, many incarnations. It took hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years, to bring you to this very moment so you have to be forgiving of yourself for your negative person...

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Technology and Concentration
Technology and Concentration

I’ve seen and heard many people hold up their smartphones and say, “These things are ruining our lives.” I beg to disagree. Smartphones are not ruining our lives. They are wonderful devices with great capabilities. What is ruining your life is your inability to exercise discipline around the use ...

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Simplify your life
Simplify your life

Reflections for the weekend: “Every year most people accumulate more and more things in their life. Things, like people, can uplift or consume energy. The fewer things you have the less energy you lose.” ~ Dandapani Photo: The Kolkata Flower Market is a kaleidoscope of color. Mounds of marigolds ...

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How to Overcome Distraction
How to Overcome Distraction

People jump from one thing to another to another all day long, becoming slaves to their technology. Most people allow technology to control where their awareness goes in their mind. Every time your laptop sends a notification or your smartphone beeps an alert, you allow your awareness to get drag...

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Should we try to remember our past lives?
Should we try to remember our past lives?

Through a clear and disciplined spiritual practice of self development and growth, you tend to see more things within yourself, not only from this life but also from previous lives. When you come to a place on your spiritual path where you don’t understand something about your nature that you are...

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