Category: The Power of Unwavering Focus Book
3 Posts

Desire, Life’s Supreme Force
These are the first four paragraphs of Lesson 1.3 in my book, The Power of Unwavering Focus. Without an inextinguishable desire, nothing is achieved. Napoleon Hill, the twentieth-century mystic, said in his book Think and Grow Rich, “Behind this demand for new and better things, there is one qu...
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My Book is Out!
My book, The Power of Unwavering Focus, is officially available now in the US. ABOUT THE POWER OF UNWAVERING FOCUS The life you want is in reach, if only you can master the power of focus Anxiety, stress, worry, and fear—these are the mental maladies that literally plague us, contributing not onl...
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The Root Cause of Worry
In lesson 9.2 of my new book, The Power of Unwavering Focus, I dive into the subject of worry. All of us have experienced this crippling force. Some more than others. Some, unfortunately, live in it. Worry, like fear, are mental plagues that have survived the test of time. They have robbed peopl...
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