I Need Clothes

August 13, 2020 • Conversations on the Spiritual Path, Learn

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In last week’s post (The Natural Next Step) I talked about gaining clarity on one’s goal or purpose in life and how that will guide you in what you do next in life. If you did not read that email you can do so by clicking this link: The Natural Next Step.

Having a big picture is important and the necessary first step but having clarity of detail is critical. 

If I need new clothes then I would know that my natural next step is to go to a clothing store. When I get to the clothing store it would behoove me to know what I wanted. It would not help if I said to the salesperson, “I need some clothes”. He would probably reply “Great. You’ve come to the right place. What kind of clothes are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for clothes to cover my body” is my response to this helpful lad. 

And he patiently replies, “Wonderful. Those are the types of clothes we sell here. Which parts of your body are you planning to clothe?”

Now you can imagine this conversation can go on for a while until he loses his patience and chokes me. 

It would help if I had crystal clear clarity of what I wanted. For example, I walk in the store and ask, “Can you point me to where you have Pantsuits?” 

“Certainly. We have the Hillary Pantsuit line on the third floor. Take this escalator two floors up. As soon as you get to the third floor, turn right and make your way to the back and it is on the very left of the back aisle.”

When you have crystal clear clarity of your goals it is so much easier to figure out the path to get there. And it is so much easier for someone to guide you there as well if you don’t know the path to get there. 

Most people don’t have clarity of what they want. They make vague statements such as “I want to be wealthy.” That lacks clarity and detail. What is wealthy? A $1000? That is a lot of money to a beggar but not much money for someone who lives in New York City. 

Having a big picture of your life as I said in my previous post is so important but having clarity of the details of what it is you want in that big picture is critical. This will allow you then to specifically focus your energy towards those goals. 

Too broad and you won’t get what you want. Go narrow and deep. Get clear and be detailed about what you want. In every aspect of your life.

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