New York kids use meditation for better performance
December 14, 2011 • Children & Youth, Speaking, Testimonials
On Monday I shared how I conducted a class on Hinduism to 44 5th graders at the Village Community School in New York City. The class also included a 5 minute guided meditation. Today I received a very sweet testimonial from the teacher sharing how the meditation had influenced the students.
How inspiring to hear that they loved the meditation. It’s practical and applicable in their lives and they see this. What enlightened “young grasshoppers” they are.
Here’s the teachers email to me:
Hi Dandapani,
I have a wonderful anecdote to share with you today, from our music teacher, Jeannette. Yesterday, many of the students performed in a Winter Concert (singing and playing instruments). They performed twice, once for the school, and the second time was for the parents in the evening. Apparently, our students had such a good time with the meditation you lead (it made such an impression on them), that they proposed to the music teacher to have a meditation session before each performance, to calm their nerves and get them ready to perform!
For each meditation, a child from one of our classes lead the whole group (at least 40+ kids), in a round of breathing, and they said exactly what you said: “breathe in and out, get a good thought, hold on to it…”
What was so funny was the music teacher had not been to our meditation but when she told me about it, the words were exactly as you had said them! How fabulous! I just thought you should know what a success the time with you really was for them.
Many thanks again,
Village Community School

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