Tag: compassion
3 Posts

Change Takes Willpower and Time
Changes in life are not instantaneous. We can resolve with all our will to change. Then we need to use that will to slowly readjust the patterns in our mind, body and nervous system. And this will take time. So don’t expect instantaneous changes in life. Life does not work that way. Life is like&...
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How To Work With Guilt
One of the things to cultivate on the spiritual path is self-acceptance. Right this moment, you are the sum total of many, many incarnations. It took hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years, to bring you to this very moment so you have to be forgiving of yourself for your negative person...
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How To View Negative Traits In Yourself
In looking to change our own negative traits, we should seek to understand them first: How did it come about? What caused it? How many lives did it take to create? Remember the trait was a product of decades or centuries of repeating a behavioral pattern and to expect to change it overnight or in...
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