Tag: Sri Lanka
5 Posts

A life-transforming journey awaits you
Every year I conduct a retreat in Asia which is open to the public. These journeys are opportunities for people to get away from their daily routines, study with me in a deeper way and embark on a journey of self-transformation. In February of 2017 I’ll be guiding a group of individuals on ...
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Yogaswami, Jaffna’s Mystical Master
I first heard of Yogaswami from my family. He was the guru for many of my family members and many were the stories of their encounters with this white haired and long bearded master. In fact some members of my family were even named by him. They all spoke lovingly of him, revering him as…
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The Family Home
This being the first trip in this life to Jaffna, I was keen to visit my ancestral home. So with my great grandfather’s home address in hand, a dear friend by my side and the sweetest auto-rickshaw driver at the helm we headed out one morning in search of my ancestral home. Fortunately, his home&...
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The Journey Home to Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Jaffna has played home to my ancestors for as long as my family can remember and it is also home to my family’s guru lineage. I have never had the privilege to visit this land. Sadly, it has been ravaged by 28 years of civil war and it was not until 2009 that this war…
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Highlights of Sri Lanka
I’ve been enjoying my days here in Sri Lanka and here are few photos I’ve taken in the first four days.
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