Where do we start with COVID-19?

March 21, 2020 • Insights on Life, Learn

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Where do you, as a person, start with dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic? When a situation like the pandemic we have now arises it is easy to experience a myriad of emotions. These emotions are usually not positive and prolonged indulgence in them only leads to a downward spiral of consciousness. Therefore the first thing to start with in a crisis is to get our mind in order. 

I have, for years, harped endlessly on learning about the mind and how it works. It is during times like this that our mind can be an asset or a living hell to be in. Unless we can learn to harness our awareness and direct it to where we want it to go in our mind, we are left at the mercy of our environment. And when the environment is in chaos then for most people who have very little understanding or control of their mind, their mind will also be in chaos. Sadly, for most people, their environment dictates their state of mind. 

My TEDx talk, Unwavering Focus, provides you with a concise and clear insight into the inner workings of the mind and also shares with you the tools needed to harness awareness within the mind so that it is not taken to the fear, worry, anxiety and stress states. You can watch my TEDx talk here. Even if you have seen it before, I highly recommend that you watch it again.

For those of you who would like to take a more serious and structured approach to learning about the mind and controlling it then I highly recommend you explore my Unwavering Focus course. The course takes you through a simple, step-by-step approach in understanding the mind, then ways to develop willpower and concentration so that you can use these two qualities to harness and direct awareness. Lastly, in Chapter 10 of the course, we dive specifically into how to use these learnings to overcome fear, worry, anxiety and stress. Click here to learn more about the course. 

Here is a link to a page on the World Health Organization website that shares valuable information on How to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus. It is really important during this time to get your information from the authorities on the subject. 

Stay safe by being obedient to the guidelines suggested by experts. 


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