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Let’s get ready for the new year
Well, we’ve almost completed another year around the sun.
For me, I’ve made much progress in some areas and in others I have a lot of work to do. It has been a full year for me and I can’t say I’ve wasted a minute of it. I always take the months of November and December to review the year and plan for the coming year. And I’d like to focus my coming weekly emails on this so for those of you who are interested in doing so as well perhaps I may have some insights that may be helpful to you.
One thing that is a constant area of work for me is changing mental patterns. Not only patterns that are not wholesome but also patterns that I want better versions of. The act of changing patterns is not an easy one. It requires, firstly, the desire to do so then commitment, willpower, patience and persistence. Needless to say, knowing what to do to change those patterns is critical.
It’s important that we change our perspective on how we view problem areas within us. One thing that made a major difference in my life with regards to this is this quote from my guru.
“Problems are not problems. They are subconscious patterns that need to be adjusted.” ~ Gurudeva
This is truly a profound statement and one that empowered me to look at myself differently. Problems truly are patterns that need to be adjusted. If I have a pattern in my subconscious that is problematic then what I need to do is adjust that pattern.
I must first acknowledge that this pattern in my subconscious causes problems (upheavals) in my life and then take ownership of it. I should then adopt the perspective that this problem is not a problem but rather a subconscious pattern that needs to be adjusted.
Reshaping this pattern is not something that happens by merely wishing or resolving it to change. This is a massaging of old mental patterns into new patterns. Like kneading dough. If you have ever kneaded dough you know it is a messy business and this is no different. As you reshape patterns in your subconscious you break old energetic force fields which will create a disturbance in your nervous system and sometimes these disturbances are intense. But it’s needed and very much a natural process as you create and build new patterns within you.
As you embark on this process it is important that you be compassionate, kind, loving and have great empathy for yourself. If you can’t be supportive of yourself through this process then don’t expect others to be so.
Now that we’ve established the perspective on how to view problems in the subconscious (patterns that are problematic), your next step is to write down three mental patterns that you would like to reshape in the coming year. As I’ve shared many times before, in doing so, be specific.
We will dive more into this in my next email.
If you want to embark on a process of creating positive change in your life the coming year with my help I highly recommend you do my Unwavering Focus online course (delivered via the app) or buy the book.
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Do you really know yourself?
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Desire, Life’s Supreme Force
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A Vision of the Future
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My Book is Out!
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The Root Cause of Worry
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The Three Reasons to Focus
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