Awareness Riding on Technology

March 16, 2011 • Speaking

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Last week an entrepreneur from Australia that had attended one of my workshops there, shared with me an article titled “Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction” that had appeared in the New York Times. Coincidentally enough, my meditation class in New York City last week (pic below) was focused on “Awareness and the Mind”.

I shared with the class how it was important for us to look at ourselves as awareness rather than then mind. We are pure awareness moving through various areas of the mind. I went on to share that one of the key concepts to grasp in understanding the mind is to understand the difference between awareness and the mind. It is very important to know that you are awareness traveling through different areas of the mind. Wherever your awareness goes that is the area of the mind that you become conscious of. Using your willpower and concentration, you can take your awareness to any area of the mind and hold it there for a given period of time.

The article in the New York Times shares how technology, for example your smart phone, can take your awareness from one thing to another in an uncontrolled manner training us to be easily distracted and less concentrated.

Today’s meditation class in New York City is on “Learning to Concentrate” and exploring forms of energy. For those of you that will be attending see you this evening.

Meditation Class in New York City conducted by Dandapani of Vedic Odyssey

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