Change Takes Willpower and Time
August 7, 2017 • Learn, Meditation

Changes in life are not instantaneous. We can resolve with all our will to change. Then we need to use that will to slowly readjust the patterns in our mind, body and nervous system. And this will take time. So don’t expect instantaneous changes in life. Life does not work that way. Life is like nature. Change takes place over a period of time. If you take a seed and you plant it in the ground, you can’t expect a fruit tree the next day. It might take weeks, months, years before the tree grows tall enough — 15 or 20 feet — and starts to bear flowers and fruit, before you can begin reaping the rewards of it.
It is the same way with your practice as well. The first thing that is needed is your resolve. Just say one of your goals in life is to live a focused life. Then make a clear and determined resolve to live a life of focus. Once you have done that, then comes perseverance, patience and compassion. Perseverance because your consistency in applying the tools every day in your life is what will bring you the rewards that you seek. Patience because the true benefits of the practice will come further down the road. Compassion because as you walk this path of unwavering focus you will stumble and fall many times. Lovingly and compassionately pick yourself up again and again. Don’t be upset with yourself for failing or falling short. Rather be your own biggest advocate. Believe in you. For this, compassion is necessary. And that compassion comes out of the understanding that you are a work in progress.

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